Sculpture Artist

Evelyn Rubi Hernandez

Chicago raised and based sculptural artist, Evelyn Rubi Hernandez, is known to be purposeful with the materiality they use for their art pieces to serve specific meanings and purposes. For example, making money shreds out of fabric to make a bear made of money to comment on the way the lack of money can ruin many lives. Many themes they touch on in their artwork are topics of family relationships, specifically connecting her experiences growing up as the eldest daughter of immigrant parents and issues relating to immigration, mental health and poverty; issues that overall have impacted her way of living growing up. Through making vulnerable and reflective artworks, they serve as a way of to portray the struggles, sadness, and overall reality of the lives of people alike her family and herself in the U.S, in juxtaposition with the prideful and colorful art that her Mexican culture is known for.

The end for now...

Thank you for taking a look!

Keep up with my progress and growth on instagram!